Category: Haiti

Resilience & Faith

The damage from Hurricane Matthew was immense and unlike anything we had ever seen before, devastating many 410 Bridge communities in southern Haiti.  We knew

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La Croix Receives Chickens!

Our staff has been hard at work in southern Haiti distributing chickens as part of our post-Hurricane Matthew rehabilitation plan. The distributions we have held

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Wadley’s Story

The story below comes from a woman named Wadley. Here at 410, we consider her to be a hero, Wadley doesn’t consider herself a hero

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Jean & Lovindi

Lovindi is an adorable, handsome little baby who enjoys attention. As him and his mother Jean made their way through the lines of the Kalapa

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Aline’s Story

The photo below was my very first interaction with Aline. She asked me to take her photo, I complied, and this is the face she

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Leona’s Story

Leona’s baby was the youngest I’d seen at the clinic. Tiny and calm, she looked like she could be less than a month old. It

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