
Water is Life

Water is typically the top priority for every community. Access and distribution of safe water provide women and children the critical capacity to attend school, start small businesses, and care for their households.

Our Water Goals

Each water project is working to achieve community-wide, high-volume access, and distribution of safe-water solutions in order to:

  • Increase human capacity (time and health)
  • Increase school attendance
  • Engage in economic activities
  • Attend to their household

Safe water programs intend to increase the capacity for families, reduce the distance to walk to safe water, improve overall community wellness, and create a sustainable solution for clean water.


The goal of the safe water program is to provide convenient access to clean water for the majority of community members.

How Does Our Water Program Work?

When we enter a community to start our community development work, almost always safe water is the number one priority for the community.  We explore long-term, permanent, sustainable solutions for the community which tend to be the most expensive project to be implemented in the community rather than short-term solutions.  These projects require strong technical expertise to be completed which is provided by our water organization partners. 

These projects always include WASH training for the community and establishing a governing group to oversee the water project long-term. 

We work closely with strategic partners such as Water Missions International and Healing Waters International.

The local Leadership Council (LC) is heavily involved in this process.  They are the voice of the community members.  The LC works with 410 Bridge in-country staff and the water organization to develop a long-term water solution.  They assist in determining the location of the water source and the distribution points.

Also, they are very involved in obtaining permission rites to do any work on private land or purchase any land required.  The LC is responsible for choosing members of the governing group overseeing the water system long-term.

As in all 410 Bridge community development projects, the community is expected to participate in the execution of the project.  This participation could include a financial contribution, or some sweat equity such as, digging trenches and laying pipe, etc. 

It is extremely important that the community is invested in the project so that it remains sustainable after the 410 Bridge has left the community.

Learn More From Our Blogs Below!

Tumutumu Water Project: A Journey to Clean Water Access

Despite the community’s green landscape due to its Mediterranean climate and proximity to Mt. Kenya, access to clean and safe water has been a long-standing struggle. For years, community members have had to fetch water from a shallow well using donkeys, motorbikes, or by carrying jerrycans on their backs.

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Who is the Hero?

A Good Story Every good story has two key aspects. A good story has a conflict to overcome, and a hero that overcomes it. We

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