Tag: development

Clean Water in Morency

Exciting things are underway with Morency’s water project! A reservoir, valve boxes, and distribution kiosks have been constructed. The community also came together to form

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Claire’s Story

We loved reading about Claire’s trip to Figuier! Have a story to share? Send it to us at stories@410bridge.org.  When we first arrived in Figuier,

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Jenny’s Story

Hearing stories from our trip participants is the best! Read some highlights from Jenny’s recent trip to Camp Mary, Haiti. I have been to Haiti

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Deitra’s Story

We love hearing stories from trip participants! Here are some highlights from Dietra’s recent trip to Ndibai, Kenya. I met Dorcas the first day in

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Health Report from Kenya

The following report is from from Maggie, our Community Health Coordinator in Kenya. It’s in raw form so please pardon any language or grammatical variations…

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