Community Spotlight Wednesday Kwambekenya, Kenya

Kwambekenya and Karima pastors held an interdenominational fellowship at Kwambekenya Stadium. This fellowship crusade was a big milestone for Kwambekenya; for sometime now, the pastors have been working towards the possibility of unity among themselves. This was the result of those efforts and the pastors, from Kwambekenya and Karima, are hoping when the unity is forged the Word will spread more effectively.

On October 15th, the Kinangop area communities (Kiria, Kwambekenya, and Karima) donated bags of cabbage and potatoes to another 410 Bridge community, Mivukoni. Mivukoni has been suffering from many obstacles and the people of Kinangop decided to donate their food in an effort to help those suffering. Those from Kinangop who went to donate the food were encouraged because they realized they are able to give what they have, and not always receive.

The new three-classroom block was officially handed over to the Kiambariki Primary School in a ceremony attended by teachers, parents, and students. It is the last phase of the classroom construction, 11 classrooms have been constructed holding a total of 440 students.

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