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Empowering the Poor in Kenya: Creating Sustainable Solutions through Farming

Kiu, Kenya is one of the first communities The 410 Bridge began working in. “Kiu” means “thirsty” in Swahili, and the area is semiarid. When we first began working in Kiu, sustainable clean water was a top priority. The community of Kiu now has access to clean water, allowing the Leadership Council to look at other ways to empower the poor within the community.

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Haiti: What is Missing in the Conversation?

Within the past two weeks, I’ve had a couple of interactions surrounding the turmoil in Haiti that are noteworthy. If somehow you haven’t heard, or maybe it just doesn’t come across your news feed, the latest in a seemingly endless series of crises in Haiti was the assassination of their president. A State of Siege was declared by the government, and once again, the situation in Haiti plunges further into uncertainty.

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