An Update from our Director of International Programs

An update from James Ward, our Director of International Programs, who is in Haiti this week with our in-country staff:

We have lots going on this week in Haiti. We’re very, very grateful for your generosity, which is allowing us to continue to respond quickly.

Medical Teams:

We have several medical teams on the ground this week working extremely hard. One team started seeing patients Sunday, another on Monday, and the other on Tuesday. Already, they have seen over 1,000 patients. Many incredible stories are coming from the teams as they get to know their patients. We’re extremely grateful to North Point Community Church and Cross Point Church in Nashville for mobilizing medical professional quickly.  

Figuier: A medical camp is set up in the church. Doctors say that many people should be in the hospital in Figuier area, but the hospital is being used as a cholera clinic, so other patients cannot be admitted. Our 410 Bridge medical teams are treating patients, and coordinating follow-up plans for treatment. We had one case of severe malnutrition. A child was on the verge of death, but is now revived and continues to improve. Lots of people are suffering from PTSD. We’re looking to offer more support for PTSD patients through our future medical teams.

Morency: The road to Morency was washed away, and can’t be used. As a result, one of our medical teams was diverted to La Croix. We secured a boat with life jackets, so the team will either walk to Morency or travel there using the boat.

Maniche: Our team just arrived and set up the makeshift clinic. They saw their first patients yesterday.

Relief Supplies:

NFI’s (non-food items) like tarps, personal water filtration kits, and other essential household items,

are being delivered to our communities along the Kalapa-Figuier corridor.  We’re seeing more and more tarps being installed, to create temporary dry shelters for families.


Thanks to Hope for Haiti, we’ll distribute 4,000 meals to impact 150 families in Maniche. In addition to the current lack of food, there is an anticipated massive food shortage over the next few months, as crops have been washed away. We’re working diligently to prepare our communities:

  • As of Tuesday, we began distributing a small amount of vegetable seeds to 410 Bridge community farmers.  
  • We’re focusing on fast-producing crops that can be harvested in weeks, not months.
  • Our staff is working hard to source enough seeds.
  • There is a real sense of urgency to encourage farmers to plant quickly so as not to miss the rainy season.  Ideally, we’d like all the farmers to be planted by November 1st.
  • Restoring agriculture and livestock as quickly as possible is imperative.

Future Teams:

The first construction team leaves for Haiti tomorrow.  A big thanks to North Point Community Church for mobilizing teams quickly.  Two other relief teams will depart on Monday from Church of Eleven22 in Jacksonville, one medical, and one cleanup and construction.  Thank you to Church of Eleven22 for being so quick to send teams.

We have a great need for teams leaving immediately through early 2017.  If your church or organization is interested in putting together a group of 8-10 seasoned team members, please email

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