410 Communities helping 410 Communities!

Our Kenya Country Director, Andrew Guuru, traveled this week to Mikoni– an area devastated by the drought and famine. Last week, our 410 Bridge communities of Kwambekenya, Karima and Kiria collected from their farming surplus to donate food towards these very needy people. In a community where most people have an average daily income of $2.50 USD, they collected over $5000 USD worth of cabbage, carrots and potatoes!!

Andrew, who is fairly mild mannered, could not stop talking about the incredible impact that this service project has had on the communities who gave and on the ones who received. Here’s what he wrote:

“Here are the photos of the Food donation by Kinangop communities to Mivukoni community. The excitement was so high that a few women shed tears of Joy. There were a few that confided in us that they can’t remember the last time they ate a cabbage or a carrot.

Some of the carrots delivered were eaten raw right on the spot! It was a site to behold. I hope these photos will help you understand how the event was. “410 Bridge communities for 410 Bridge communities”- It’s real proof of the 410 Bridge model at work where communities have used their gifts to serve others.

I am happy for 2 things, The 410 bridge Model in practice and for the Kinangop communities that have gone out of their way to support their one in a community 800 kms apart. Very encouraging. Men, This is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I can write the whole day about this Event!! ”

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